
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

1:64 Diescast collecting and modifying; The best way to exercise your passion for cars on a budget

You have probably at least played with Hot Wheels cars once upon a time, even collected them maybe.  Maybe you still do.  It's not unusual.  But Hot Wheels isn't the only 1:64 diecast car maker out there.  It is one of the best, but there are other too; Matchbox, Johnny Lightning, Greenlight, and Autoworld are just a few.  Collecting 1:64 cars is very fun.  You can focus only on one brand of car, or just one kind (e.g. muscle cars).  You could also do what I do, and just get any classic model you can find.  Currently, my collection has only about 64 cars.  That may not sound very amazing to some of you more crazy collectors out there, but collecting is not all I do.  I also modify.  My latest project is the Drag Racing T2 Pickup below.  It is not finished, but it is getting there.

I'll admit it, I'm a bit of an amateur.  But it's fun, and if you haven't ever tried it, you should.  I mean, even wheels swaps can make a car look better.  If you want to know more about that (and all other things), then go to this website.  It is definitely the best for this kind of stuff.  To give you an idea of what you can do, I'll give you a gallery of cars other people have modified.  (Note: None of these are mine, and I don't claim the right to any of their designs).  Enjoy!

As you can see, wheel swaps are not the only thing you can do.  You can add parts (fenders, spoilers, huge engines, extra wheels, you get the idea), you can repaint it (either with spray paint, or hand paint it, whatever), you can just add detail to the cheap $1 cars, you can lower it, you can put monster truck wheels on it, you can make a working suspension system, opening doors, or a steering mechanism.......The list goes on and on.  But the best part about this is that it is relatively cheap, and you can be as creative and crazy with it as you want to be.  You can make it look more realistic, or make it out-of-this-world cool, but modifying 1:64 cars is a very fun (and addicting) hobby.

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